Jin-Dong Kim, Ph.D.

Project Associate Professor

Database Center for Life Science (DBCLS)

Joint Support-Center for Data Science Research (DS)

Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS)


jdkim@dbcls.rois.ac.jp | 04-7135-5547 | 04-7135-5534

Humans are nothing if not inventive, and human language reflects that.
-- Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide

Events, recent

June 11th, 2024, Online
Attended the NII Open Forum 2024 - 「AIとも対話できる新たな検索システムを目指す」.
Gave a talk on “Customizing ChatGPT to Enhance Human Accessibility in Database Interfacing” (Video Recording)


Research Interests

Natural Language Processing (NLP), Data Mining, Knowledge Base Construction, Dialog Interface, Bioinformatics


Text Mining : PubAnnotation | TextAE | PubDictionaries

Question-Answering : LODQA


Community activities, upcoming and in recent 5 years

PC = Program Committee, SC = Scientific Committee, EC = Ethics Committee, OC = Organizing Committee