About center

Database Center for Life Science (DBCLS) was established in April 2007 at Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS). We have been developing new technologies, services and standards for integrating biological databases, which include those developed and maintained in Japan as well as world-renowned databases.
We collaborate with Bioinformation and DDBJ Center (DDBJ), also belonging to ROIS, for the nucleotide sequence and gene expression data integration and for the development of technologies for their meta-analysis and tools for sequence and function annotation. We also conduct a contract research and development with office of NBDC Program (NBDC) at Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), and mainly working on the basic technology development regarding database integration and preservation.
Since 2016 when the Joint-Support Center for Data Science (DS) was established at ROIS, DBCLS has been one of the five centers in DS and we are now involving open data and open science initiative with the other centers that deals with data from various fields including polar and social sciences.