2025. 03. 21JST-NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Online, 22 May 2025
AJACS is a training workshop by the Office of NBDC…
2025. 03. 12Annual schedule of the AJACS FY2025 has been decided. (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2025. 03. 11Paper on Risk Prediction of RNA Off-Targets of CRISPR Base Editors Using Language Models published in International Journal of Molecular Sciences
A research group led by DBCLS Visiting Professor H…
2025. 03. 07Feature articles on DBCLS BioHackathon 2024 were published in the JSBi News Letter. (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2025. 03. 07
2025. 02. 26Recruitment of a Project Researcher in DBCLS, ROIS-DS (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2025. 02. 19A paper on gene panel design for improving the efficiency of genome analysis in rare and intractable diseases has been published in BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
A research paper titled “Ontology-based expansion …
2025. 01. 10Research Article on TogoID enhancements published in Journal of Biomedical Semantics
A paper on the update of TogoID, the DBCLS’s ID co…
2024. 12. 19
2024. 12. 05JST-NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Online, 16 Jan. 2025
AJACS is a training workshop by the Office of NBDC…
2024. 12. 03
2024. 12. 03Temporary Suspension of DBCLS Services (December 9, 2024 [Mon] – December 16, 2024 [Mon] [Maximum Duration] UTC+9)
Due to system maintenance, the services will be te…
2024. 11. 29Enteropathway: the metabolic pathway database for the human gut microbiota has been developed.(in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. Go to the…
2024. 11. 25Update of NANDO, a lexicon of names of intractable diseases / Renewal of NanbyoData, a portal site for information on intractable disease
In order to further enhance the provision of infor…
2024. 11. 25
2024. 11. 15JST-NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Online, 23 Dec. 2024
AJACS is a training workshop by the Office of NBDC…
2024. 10. 29Call for participation: The 9th Biomedical Linked Annotation Hackathon (BLAH9)
The 9th Biomedical Linked Annotation Hackathon (BL…
2024. 10. 23A research article "Pushing the boundaries of rare disease diagnostics with the help of the first Undiagnosed Hackathon" was published in Nature Genetics
A research article “Pushing the boundaries of rare…
2024. 10. 22
2024. 10. 01Research paper in which Project Professor T. Katayama participated received the GGS PRIZE 2024
A research paper by the group in which Dr. T. Kata…
2024. 09. 08Exhibit DBCLS booth at the 76th SBJ Annual Meeting. (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2024. 08. 30Providing New Features of PubCaseFinder to the Japan Leading Project for Rare Disease WGS
PubCaseFinder, a web service supporting the diagno…
2024. 08. 28A research article on a database of plant triterpene biosynthesis-related sequences has been published in Plant Biotechnology
A research group with the participation of Dr. Chi…
2024. 07. 29Realization of International Sharing of Nanbyo Diseases Information through International Cooperation
Since nanbyo diseases (“incurable/intractable dise…
2024. 07. 02A research article "High expression of serine protease, Brachyurin in the posterior midgut of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) during horse dropping processing." was published in BMC Research Notes
A research group with the participation of Prof. H…
2024. 06. 28Call for participation: DBCLS BioHackathon 2024 (BH24)
In August 2024, DBCLS BioHackathon 2024 will be he…
2024. 06. 27
2024. 06. 27
2024. 06. 27JST-NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS will be online on August 15, 2024
AJACS is a training workshop by the Office of NBDC…
2024. 06. 27JST-NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS will be online on July 25, 2024
AJACS is a training workshop by the Office of NBDC…
2024. 06. 18A research article “”Differences in the human gut microbiota with varying depressive symptom severity scores” was published in Bioscience of Microbiota, Food and Health
A research group led by Associate Professor Tatsur…
2024. 06. 04TogoTV YouTube Channel has reached 10000 Subscribers!
We are pleased to announce that the number of subs…
2024. 06. 04Temporary service suspension (June 10, 2024, 0:00 AM to 6:00 AM [Tentative] UTC+9)
Due to scheduled system maintenance, all services …
2024. 05. 21JST-NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Online, 20 June. 2024
AJACS is a training workshop by the Office of NBDC…
2024. 05. 21Annual schedule of the AJACS FY2024 has been decided. (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2024. 05. 16ChIP-Atlas3.0, an integrated epigenome database, is now available.
ChIP-Atlas was major-updated with some new feature…
2024. 04. 11BH24.6 (BioHackathon for domestic) registration opened.(in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2024. 04. 01DBCLS starts the operation of the NBDC human database.
Today, the “NBDC Human Database” has started its o…
2024. 02. 28Announcement of the release of new features of “TogoVar”
“TogoVar” (, a comprehensive …
2024. 02. 21Temporary service suspension (Feb 29, 2024, 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM [Tentative] UTC+9)
Due to scheduled system maintenance, all services …
2024. 02. 01DBCLS will begin "review process" of the NBDC human database.
NBDC Human Database will be available from Apr 20…
2024. 01. 22Temporary service suspension (Jan 28, 2024, 12:00 PM to Jan 28, 2024, 1:00 PM [Tentative] UTC+9)
Due to scheduled system maintenance, all services …
2023. 12. 15Dr. Chiba received the Best Poster Paper Award in The 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Graphs.
Dr. Chiba received the Best Poster Paper Award in…
2023. 11. 30
2023. 11. 29Announcement of the release of new features of “TogoVar”
“TogoVar” (, a comprehensive …
2023. 11. 29Notice: suspension of DBCLS service (Resumed on 2023/11/30)
The following services are currently unavailable d…
2023. 11. 16
2023. 11. 01Change in the Operation of NBDC Human Database from Apr 2024.
NBDC Human Database (including the NBDC Group Shar…
2023. 10. 20JST-NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Online 18, 16 Nov. 2023
AJACS is a training workshop by the Department of …
2023. 10. 11Exhibit DBCLS booth at the 68th Annual Meetings of JSHG. (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2023. 10. 03Call for Proposals: The 8th Biomedical Linked Annotation Hackathon (BLAH8)
The 8th Biomedical Linked Annotation Hackathon (BL…
2023. 09. 20An Article about TogoDX/Human were published in Jikken Igaku (Experimental Medicine). (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2023. 09. 20New publication in Scientific Data: "Development of an integrated and inferenceable RDF database of glycan, pathogen and disease resources"
The paper “Development of an integrated and infere…
2023. 09. 06
2023. 09. 05"TogoDX/Human" application has been updated to version 1.2, along with the addition of new attributes and data updates.
TogoDX/human is a new application for the integrat…
2023. 09. 04
2023. 09. 01Exhibit DBCLS booth at the 75th SBJ Annual Meeting. (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2023. 09. 01Recruitment of a Project Researcher in DBCLS, ROIS-DS (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2023. 09. 01Recruitment of a Project Senior Technical Support Specialist in DBCLS, ROIS-DS (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2023. 07. 28“PanelSearch” and “CaseSharing” have been released as new functions of PubCaseFinder.
On July 1, 2023, DBCLS added new functions “PanelS…
2023. 07. 26BH23.9 (BioHackathon for domestic) registration opened.(in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2023. 07. 26JST-NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Online 17, 30 Aug. 2023
AJACS is a training workshop by the Department of …
2023. 07. 05
2023. 07. 05JST-NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Online 16, 27 Jul. 2023
AJACS is a training workshop by the Department of …
2023. 06. 01DBCLS joins and contributes to the NEDO Green Innovation Fund Project in collaboration with seven institutions. (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2023. 05. 30Dr. Ono will give a talk at the Japan Open Science Summit 2023 on 19 Jun. 2023. (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2023. 05. 26Annual schedule of the AJACS FY2023 has been decided. (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2023. 05. 19Dr. Yamamoto’s research group received the Best Poster Award in the 16th Annual International Biocuration Conference.
Dr. Yamamoto’s research group received the Best Po…
2023. 05. 11New publication in GigaScience: "A workflow reproducibility scale for automatic validation of biological interpretation results"
The paper “A workflow reproducibility scale for au…
2023. 05. 02BioHackathon2023: Deadline for domestic registration, extended to May 9th.
The deadline for domestic registration has been ex…
2023. 04. 19Recruitment of a Project Researcher in DBCLS, ROIS-DS (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2023. 04. 19Recruitment of a Project Senior Technical Support Specialist in DBCLS, ROIS-DS (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2023. 04. 07A paper "CIRO: COVID-19 infection risk ontology" was published in PLoS One.
A paper “CIRO: COVID-19 infection risk ontology” w…
2023. 03. 31ROIS and SUPSI signed a MoU for extending research collaboration between DBCLS and IDSIA.(in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2023. 03. 30NBDC RDF Portal will change the provider, name and URL by Jul 2023.
NBDC RDF Portal will change the provider, name and…
2023. 03. 29Call for participation: DBCLS BioHackathon 2023 (BH23)
DBCLS BioHackathon will be held for the first time…
2023. 03. 07Dr. Ohta’s commentary on the paper was posted on GigaBlog.
Dr. Ohta’s commentary on the paper was posted on G…
2023. 02. 24New publication in GigaScience: "Workflow sharing with automated metadata validation and test execution to improve the reusability of published workflows."
The paper “Workflow sharing with automated metadat…
2023. 02. 20
2023. 02. 06Dr. Ono will give a talk about Article Processing Charges at the seminar on 17 Feb. 2023. (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2023. 01. 26Pedigree Finder: A Web-based Viewer for Knowledge Graphs of Crop Pedigrees has been developed. (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2023. 01. 25
2023. 01. 11
2022. 12. 19NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Online 15, 26 Jan. 2023
AJACS is a training workshop by the Department of …
2022. 12. 13A paper “TogoVar: A comprehensive Japanese genetic variation database” was published in Human Genome Variation.
A paper “TogoVar: A comprehensive Japanese genetic…
2022. 12. 09The ROIS Symposium FY2022 will be held as an Online event. (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2022. 12. 09Dr. Ono will give a talk about the DOI registration for databases and web contents in the seminar on 15 Dec. 2022. (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2022. 11. 30"Patient Locational Ontology-based Data (PLOD)" received the Grand Prize in LOD Challenge 2022. (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2022. 11. 25
2022. 11. 25
2022. 11. 21NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Online 14, 22 Dec. 2022
AJACS is a training workshop by the Department of …
2022. 11. 11Added 14 new attributes and updated 10 databases for "TogoDX/Human"
TogoDX/human is a new application for the integrat…
2022. 11. 01
2022. 10. 27Recruitment of a Project Researcher in DBCLS, ROIS-DS (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2022. 10. 27Recruitment of a Project Senior Technical Support Specialist in DBCLS, ROIS-DS (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2022. 10. 20A book on how to use bioinformatics tools and databases, edited and co-authored by DBCLS researchers, has been published. (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2022. 10. 18Added the functions to create, share, and publish playlists of video content on the TogoTV.
TogoTV has published more than 2,000 video content…
2022. 10. 18NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Online 13, 24 Nov. 2022
AJACS is a training workshop by the Department of …
2022. 09. 13
2022. 08. 23
2022. 08. 22
2022. 07. 22NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Online 12, 25 Aug. 2022
AJACS is a training workshop by the Department of …
2022. 07. 11A paper "TogoID: an exploratory ID converter to bridge biological datasets" was published in Bioinformatics.
A paper “TogoID: an exploratory ID converter to br…
2022. 07. 05Call for poster presentations: Togo2022 symposium (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2022. 06. 28Illustration contents of TogoTV are now available on JSHG-WebCast (JWC), an educational content delivery system of the Japan Society of Human Genetics.
Illustration contents of TogoTV have been newly ad…
2022. 06. 20
2022. 06. 17The number of video contents published on TogoTV has reached 2,000!
We are pleased to announce that the number of vide…
2022. 06. 16BH22.9 (BioHackathon for domestic) registration opened.(in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2022. 06. 08A paper "Online tools for efficient paper writing" was published in Human Genome Variation.
A paper “Online tools for efficient paper writing”…
2022. 06. 08NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Online 11, 28 Jul. 2022
AJACS is a training workshop by the Department of …
2022. 05. 31Annual schedule of the AJACS FY2022 has been decided. (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2022. 05. 26A paper "Advances in the development of PubCaseFinder, including the new application programming interface and matching algorithm" was published in the Human Mutation special issue on Matchmaker Exchange.
A paper “Advances in the development of PubCaseFin…
2022. 05. 12Some functions of the NBDC RDF Portal are unavailable due to urgent maintenance, 12 May 2022
Due to the urgent system maintenance, our services…
2022. 04. 21An Article about TogoID were published in Jikken Igaku (Experimental Medicine). (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2022. 04. 08Special issues of BMC Bioinformatics on BioNLP Open Shared Tasks 2019 were published.
Special issues of BMC Bioinformatics on BioNLP Ope…
2022. 02. 28"MetaStanza" received the Excellence Award in LOD Challenge 2021. (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2022. 02. 07
2022. 01. 26Lecture videos of AJACS Online 9 have been added and updated in JSHG-WebCast (JWC), the educational content delivery system of the Japanese Society of Human Genetics.
Since October 16, 2021, the video content of TogoT…
2022. 01. 06Dr. Fujiwara will give a talk about the diagnosis assistant system for rare diseases in the seminar on 27 Jan.2022. (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2021. 12. 10NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Online 10, 20 Jan. 2022
AJACS is a training workshop by the National Biosc…
2021. 12. 10The ROIS Symposium FY2021 will be held as an Online event.(in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2021. 11. 30Articles were published in Jikken Igaku (Experimental Medicine). (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2021. 11. 24
2021. 11. 08
2021. 11. 02NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Online 9, 16 Dec. 2021
AJACS is a training workshop by the National Biosc…
2021. 10. 22The research group of Dr. Fujiwara received the Best Poster Presentation Award in the 66th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Human Genetics and the 28th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Gene Diagnosis and Therapy - Joint Conference 2021. (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2021. 10. 18Video contents of TogoTV have been posted on JSHG-WebCast (JWC), the educational content delivery system of the Japanese Society of Human Genetics.
On October 16, 2021, JSHG-WebCast(JWC), which deli…
2021. 10. 05
2021. 10. 01The September 2021 issue of Genomics & Informatics was published as a special issue on the 7th Biomedical Linked Annotation Hackathon (BLAH7).
The September 2021 issue of Genomics & Informa…
2021. 09. 30A paper "Reference Transcriptome Data in Silkworm Bombyx mori" was published in Insects.
A paper “Reference Transcriptome Data in Silkworm …
2021. 09. 22
2021. 09. 06
2021. 07. 08
2021. 07. 07A paper "Computation of Infection Risk via Confidential Locational Entries: A precedent approach for contact tracing with privacy protection" has been published in IEEE Access.
A paper “Computation of Infection Risk via Confide…
2021. 07. 01NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Online 8, 19 Aug. 2021
AJACS is a training workshop by the National Biosc…
2021. 07. 01Call for poster presentations: Togo2021 symposium (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2021. 06. 21BH21.8(BioHackathon for domestic) registration opened.(in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2021. 06. 07
2021. 06. 04NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Online 7, 15 Jul. 2021
AJACS is a training workshop by the National Biosc…
2021. 04. 23NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Online 6, 17 Jun. 2021
AJACS is a training workshop by the National Biosc…
2021. 04. 23Annual schedule of the AJACS FY2021 has been decided. (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2021. 04. 05Prof. Goto became the President of the Japanese Society for Bioinformatics. (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2021. 04. 05Articles were published in the JSBi News Letter. (in Japanese)
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2021. 02. 16The ROIS Symposium FY2020 will be held as an Online event.
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2021. 02. 04
2021. 01. 22
2020. 12. 16BLAH7: The deadline for project registration, extended to Dec 20th.
The deadline for the project registration is exten…
2020. 12. 15
2020. 12. 09
2020. 11. 27
2020. 11. 17
2020. 11. 12
2020. 11. 04
2020. 10. 30Calls: The 7th Biomedical Linked Annotation Hackathon (BLAH7) Online
The 7th Biomedical Linked Annotation Hackathon (BL…
2020. 10. 23
2020. 09. 29
2020. 09. 23
2020. 08. 20
2020. 08. 06CRISPRdirect Docker version has been commercialized
CRISPRdirect, target-specific CRISPR guide RNA des…
2020. 08. 04An article on RDF and SPARQL, the standard infrastructure technology for the web of data, has been published in the "情報の科学と技術"
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2020. 07. 28
2020. 07. 08The June 2020 issue of Genomics & Informatics was published as a special issue on the 6th Biomedical Linked Annotation Hackathon (BLAH6).
The June 2020 issue of Genomics & Informatics …
2020. 07. 01
2020. 05. 29Cross-reactivity check system for COVID-19 diagnostic primers has been released
The National Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS) h…
2020. 05. 01Notice of DBCLS service suspension (Resumed on 2020/05/03)
The following services are currently unavailable d…
2020. 03. 25
2020. 03. 12A paper “GLIS1, a novel hypoxia-inducible transcription factor, promotes breast cancer cell motility via activation of WNT5A” was published in Carcinogenesis.
A paper “GLIS1, a novel hypoxia-inducible transcri…
2020. 02. 26
2020. 02. 21【Cancellation】 The Alliance of International Developers for Rare Diseases (AIDRD) Hackathon 2020
We decided the cancellation of the AIDRD Hackathon…
2020. 01. 31The Alliance of International Developers for Rare Diseases (AIDRD) Hackathon 2020 registration is opened.
The Alliance of International Developers for Rare …
2020. 01. 27The 6th Biomedical Linked Annotation Hackathon (BLAH6) : Symposium Venue changed.
The symposium venue has been changed to Lutheran I…
2020. 01. 27A paper “All of gene expression (AOE): An integrated index for public gene expression databases” was published in PLOS ONE.
A paper “All of gene expression (AOE): An integrat…
2020. 01. 20
2020. 01. 16The 6th Biomedical Linked Annotation Hackathon (BLAH6) : Symposium Program is updated.
Symposium Program is updated. https://blah6.linked…
2020. 01. 10A paper “Meta‐Analysis of Hypoxic Transcriptomes from Public Databases” was published in Biomedicines.
A paper “Meta‐Analysis of Hypoxic Transcriptomes f…
2019. 12. 23The 6th Biomedical Linked Annotation Hackathon (BLAH6) registration is open for domestic attendees
The 6th Biomedical Linked Annotation Hackathon (BL…
2019. 12. 18"JSON 2 LD Mapper" accelerating LOD conversion of data received the Progress Award in LOD Challenge 2019
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2019. 12. 06A paper “CRISPR-Cas3 induces broad and unidirectional genome editing in human cells” was published in Nature Communications.
A paper “CRISPR-Cas3 induces broad and unidirectio…
2019. 11. 28
2019. 11. 25Call for Proposals: The 6th Biomedical Linked Annotation Hackathon (BLAH6)
The 6th Biomedical Linked Annotation Hackathon (BL…
2019. 11. 13A paper “Evaluation of off‐target effects of gapmer antisense oligonucleotides using human cells” was published in Genes to Cells.
A paper “Evaluation of off‐target effects of gapme…
2019. 10. 28A paper “Superoxide dismutase down-regulation and the oxidative stress is required to initiate pupation in Bombyx mori” was published in Scientific Reports.
A paper “Superoxide dismutase down-regulation and …
2019. 10. 16NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Setagaya, 29 Nov. 2019
AJACS is a training workshop by the National Biosc…
2019. 10. 16A paper “Apoptosis-mediated vasa down-regulation controls developmental transformation in Japanese Copidosoma floridanum female soldiers” was published in Developmental Biology.
A paper “Apoptosis-mediated vasa down-regulation c…
2019. 10. 02
2019. 08. 23
2019. 08. 08NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Tokachi2, 25 Sep. 2019
AJACS is a training workshop by the National Biosc…
2019. 07. 24
2019. 07. 17NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Miyazaki2, 28 Aug. 2019
AJACS is a training workshop by the National Biosc…
2019. 07. 02
2019. 07. 01The June 2019 issue of Genomics & Informatics was published as a special issue on the 5th Biomedical Linked Annotation Hackathon (BLAH5).
The June 2019 issue of Genomics & Informatics …
2019. 06. 25The 12th NBDC/DBCLS BioHackathon registration opened
BioHackathon 2019 O…
2019. 06. 25DBCLS Training: AJACS advanced 6th Kawachi, 25-26 Jul. 2019
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2019. 06. 13A paper “Split4Blank: Maintaining consistency while improving efficiency of loading RDF data with blank nodes” was published in PLOS ONE.
A paper “Split4Blank: Maintaining consistency whil…
2019. 05. 15
2019. 05. 14A paper “Accumulating computational resource usage of genomic data analysis workflow to optimize cloud computing instance selection” was published in GigaScience.
A paper “Accumulating computational resource usage…
2019. 04. 16A paper “Cancerous phenotypes associated with hypoxia-inducible factors are not influenced by the volatile anesthetic isoflurane in renal cell carcinoma” was published in PLOS ONE.
A paper “Cancerous phenotypes associated with hypo…
2019. 02. 27
2019. 02. 19A paper “Comparative analysis of seven types of superoxide dismutases for their ability to respond to oxidative stress in Bombyx mori” was published in Scientific Reports.
A paper “Comparative analysis of seven types of su…
2019. 02. 07
2019. 01. 31Closing of new review publication in First Authors and Leading Authors for details
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2019. 01. 23
2019. 01. 23Recruitment of a project senior support specialist in DBCLS, DS, ROIS
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2019. 01. 21A paper "NBDC RDF portal: a comprehensive repository for semantic data in life sciences" was published in the Database journal.
A paper “NBDC RDF portal: a comprehensive reposito…
2019. 01. 18A paper "TogoGenome/TogoStanza: modularized Semantic Web genome database" was published in the Database journal.
A paper “TogoGenome/TogoStanza: modularized Semant…
2019. 01. 09
2018. 12. 27Recruitment of a project senior support specialist in DBCLS, DS, ROIS
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2018. 12. 26All-in-one Training and NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Bancho-2, 28 Jan. 2019
Details of how to register can be found at the web…
2018. 12. 25
2018. 12. 20"JSON 2 LD Mapper" accelerating LOD conversion of data received the Progress Award in LOD Challenge 2018
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2018. 12. 20"SPARQL-proxy" middleware running between the client and the SPARQL endpoint received the Excellence Award in LOD Challenge 2018
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2018. 11. 30
2018. 11. 22Events that organized by DBCLS members will be held at MBSJ2018'
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2018. 11. 22
2018. 11. 09A paper "ChIP-Atlas: a data-mining suite powered by full integration of public ChIP-seq data" was published in EMBO Reports.
A paper “ChIP-Atlas: a data-mining suite powered b…
2018. 11. 09
2018. 11. 08
2018. 11. 07
2018. 10. 29The number of tutorial videos in TogoTV has reached 1,500.
TogoTV (‘Togo’ means ‘integration’ in Japanese; pr…
2018. 10. 26
2018. 10. 19The 11th NBDC/DBCLS BioHackathon registration opened
BioHackathon 2018: …
2018. 10. 18
2018. 10. 11A paper "The jPOST environment: an integrated proteomics data repository and database" was published in Nucleic Acids Research Database Issue.
A paper “The jPOST environment: an integrated prot…
2018. 10. 02
2018. 08. 31A paper “PubCaseFinder: A Case-Report-Based, Phenotype-Driven Differential-Diagnosis System for Rare Diseases” was published in The American Journal of Human Genetics.
A paper “PubCaseFinder: A Case-Report-Based, Pheno…
2018. 07. 26
2018. 07. 24
2018. 07. 24Addition of FirstAuthors and LeadingAuthors to the NBDC Life Science Database Archive
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2018. 07. 13
2018. 07. 06
2018. 06. 26A paper “Suppression of mitochondrial oxygen metabolism mediated by the transcription factor HIF-1 alleviates propofol-induced cell toxicity” was published in Scientific Reports.
A paper “Suppression of mitochondrial oxygen metab…
2018. 06. 14
2018. 06. 11Recruitment of a project researcher in Data Science Promotion Section, DS, ROIS
This news is only available in Japanese. …
2018. 06. 11NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Tsukuba4, 10 Jul. 2018
AJACS is a training workshop by the National Bios…
2018. 06. 07“TogoVar”, an integrated database for Japanese genome variants/variations has been released.
“TogoVar” is an integrated database for human geno…
2018. 06. 05
2018. 03. 26A paper “Promotion of malignant phenotype after disruption of the three-dimensional structure of cultured spheroids from colorectal cancer” was published in Oncotarget.
A paper “Promotion of malignant phenotype after di…
2018. 03. 22A paper “Construction of a simple evaluation system for the intestinal absorption of an orally administered medicine using Bombyx mori larvae” was published in Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics.
A paper “Construction of a simple evaluation syste…
2018. 03. 22A research paper of the analysis of environmental DNA retrieved from petal surfaces of flowering cherry was published in Journal of Plant Research.
A research paper “Collaborative environmental DNA …
2018. 03. 14A paper “YummyData: providing high-quality open life science data” was published in Database.
A paper “YummyData: providing high-quality open li…
2018. 02. 26
2018. 02. 22A paper “Differentiated Embryo Chondrocyte plays a crucial role in DNA damage response via transcriptional regulation under hypoxic conditions” was published in PLOS ONE.
A paper “Differentiated Embryo Chondrocyte plays a…
2018. 02. 08An interview with four authors of the FANTOM5 collection entitled “Increasing usability of FANTOM5 data” was published in the Research Data at Springer Nature website.
An interview article “Increasing usability of FANT…
2017. 12. 14NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Hamamatsu, 16-17 Jan. 2017
AJACS is a training workshop by the National Biosc…
2017. 12. 11Exhibition of servicess and databases and organizing workshops and forums on ConBio2017
We introduced our servicess and databases on ConBi…
2017. 11. 08NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Hamamatsu, 16-17 Jan. 2017
AJACS is a training workshop by the National Biosc…
2017. 10. 24
2017. 09. 27
2017. 08. 30A paper “RefEx, a reference gene expression dataset as a web tool for the functional analysis of genes” was published in Scientific Data.
A paper “RefEx, a reference gene expression datase…
2017. 07. 27NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Kawachi, 24 Aug. 2017
AJACS is a training workshop by the National Biosc…
2017. 07. 14JBI (Japan alliance for Bioscience Information) portal site is now open.
Database Center for Life Science (DBCLS)/Joint Sup…
2017. 06. 20A paper “HIF-1-mediated suppression of mitochondria electron transport chain function confers resistance to lidocaine-induced cell death” was published in Scientific Reports.
A paper “HIF-1-mediated suppression of mitochondri…
2017. 05. 16The 10th NBDC/DBCLS BioHackathon registration opened
BioHackathon 2017:…
2017. 04. 26A paper “Calculating quality of public high-throughput sequencing data to obtain suitable subset for reanalysis from the Sequence Read Archive” was published in Gigascience.
A paper “Calculating quality of public high-throug…
2017. 02. 20
2017. 01. 16A paper “Identification of functional enolase genes of the silkworm Bombyx mori from public databases with a combination of dry and wet bench processes” was published in BMC Genomics.
A paper “Identification of functional enolase gene…
2017. 01. 10A paper “Identification of functional enolase genes of the silkworm Bombyx mori from public databases with a combination of dry and wet bench processes” was published in BMC Genomics.
Papers DBCLS researchers coauthored have been publ…
2016. 12. 08NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Owari, 31 Jan. – 1 Feb. 2017
AJACS is a training workshop by the National Biosc…
2016. 09. 21A paper “Extremotolerant tardigrade genome and improved radiotolerance of human cultured cells by tardigrade-unique protein” has published in Nature Communications.
A paper “Extremotolerant tardigrade genome and imp…
2016. 08. 10
2016. 08. 02NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Kyoto2, 1-2 Sep. 2016
AJACS is a training workshop by the National Biosc…
2016. 08. 01Presentations at BioHackathon 2016 Symposium are now listed in YouTube.
NBDC/DBCLS BioHackathon 2016 was held at the Insti…
2016. 07. 05NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Komachi 8-9 Aug. 2016
AJACS is a training workshop by the National Biosc…
2016. 06. 07
2016. 05. 20NBDC/DBCLS Training: AJACS Maebashi 21 Jun. 2016
AJACS is a training workshop by the National Biosc…
2016. 05. 16
2016. 05. 11A paper “Tumour resistance in induced pluripotent stem cells derived from naked mole-rats” has published in Nature Communications.
A paper “Tumour resistance in induced pluripotent …
2016. 05. 11A paper “Weighted Enrichment Method for Prediction of Transcription Regulators from Transcriptome and Global Chromatin Immunoprecipitation data” has published in Nucleic Acids Research.
A paper “Weighted Enrichment Method for Prediction…
2016. 04. 15Presentations at RDF summit 2 Symposium is available in YouTube.
RDF summit for individual genomics (The 2nd RDF su…
2016. 02. 16
2016. 02. 09A review “Can the silkworm (Bombyx mori) be used as a human disease model?” has published in Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics (Advance Publication).
A review “Can the silkworm (Bombyx mori) be used a…
2016. 01. 21DBCLS Training: AJACSa Mishima 2, 25-26 Feburary 2015
a We DBCLS (Database Center for Life Science) will…