DBCLS Training: AJACSa Mishima 2, 25-26 Feburary 2015
2016. 01. 21 /
a We DBCLS (Database Center for Life Science) will hold hands-on tutorial how to analyze RNA-seq data on Feb 25-26, 2016 at DBCLS, Center for Information Biology West 4F 412. Because the space is limited, one representative from one research group can attend the tutorial. Participants will be required to have Mac and the text book (「次世代シーケンサーDRY解析教本」https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=ZujwCgAAQBAJ) with you. All talks will be spoken in Japanese. Please send us your information if you are going to attend via Google form at http://goo.gl/forms/XquImoQF0G